Columnist: Every day is a gift
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Have you gotten old enough to realize that every day is a gift? I had my mom, who is 91, down Wednesday night for dinner. I made a pot of coffee, Mom sat on the front porch, had two cups of coffee and watched the rain. When you enjoy the little things in life your day goes so well. God promises that when you praise, you’ll be raised. Take time, my friends, and be thankful for everything you have been given! “When prosperity comes, do not use all of it.” — Confucius.
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Simple pleasures are wonderful!! I see people with great wealth that are miserable and do not give a dime to charities or churches. I also see people that have modest incomes who have wonderful families and everyone loves them. It is all in your approach to life. I just worked with a well-to-do person that shared with me they were doing business with me for my history of helping others. That will get your attention very quickly and make you a little more humble. That was like a gold star for me. As Mom would say, you cannot out give the Lord. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” — Confucius.
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What is holding you back? Are you still mad because 30 years ago you were not homecoming queen or Johnny got your promotion? Stop being jealous of other people, go out and do your very best and you will find out if you do your best God has a way of making that good enough. I do not mean try, I mean do your very best. As King Saul said, “Pay no mind to jealous people, there is no time for that in your life if you want to be happy.” Look for the best in others and you will find it in your own back yard. “Heaven will be inherited by every man who has heaven in his soul.” — Confucius. Contributing columnist Jerry Johnson is president of First Realty of LaGrange.