Good for you: Church donates to Troup County Sheriff’s Office

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bobby Brooks, center, from Broad Street Church of Christ stands with a sampling of Troup County Sheriff’s Office employees behind boxes of candy. Brooks delivered the candy donated by the church to TCSO deputies, investigators and employees as a way of saying ‘Thank you’ for all their hard work and service to the community. Brooks said the church will be working on similar projects each week, including filling backpacks with school supplies for students in need and creating care packages for soldiers deployed overseas in Iraq. Brooks, center, from Broad Street Church of Christ stands with a sampling of Troup County Sheriff’s Office employees behind boxes of candy. Brooks delivered the candy donated by the church to TCSO deputies, investigators and employees as a way of saying ‘Thank you’ for all their hard work and service to the community. Brooks said the church will be working on similar projects each week, including filling backpacks with school supplies for students in need and creating care packages for soldiers deployed overseas in Iraq.


Bobby Brooks, center, from Broad Street Church of Christ stands with a sampling of Troup County Sheriff’s Office employees behind boxes of candy. Brooks delivered the candy donated by the church to TCSO deputies, investigators and employees as a way of saying ‘Thank you’ for all their hard work and service to the community. Brooks said the church will be working on similar projects each week, including filling backpacks with school supplies for students in need and creating care packages for soldiers deployed overseas in Iraq.

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