Memoried Glances: 1916 — Electric train makes debut
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 6, 2016

Februaries past, 100 years ago.
From The LaGrange Graphic, 1916.
Front Page News
Macon and Birmingham Railroad Improves Service — The Macon and Birmingham Railroad has improved its passenger service between here and Macon very considerably.
A new electric train was put in Tuesday, which leaves Macon at 7 a.m. arriving in LaGrange at 11:05 a.m.; returning it leaves LaGrange at 4:20 p.m. arriving at Macon at 8:30 p.m. This gives a double daily service between LaGrange and Macon, and is quite an improvement over the former service.
The passenger rates were reduced on Feb. 1 to 3 cents, and the weekend rates have also been put back to the old price.
C. B. Rhodes, general passenger agent for the line, was in LaGrange last week and told the Graphic that more improvements will soon be inaugurated by this road.
LaGrange May Play Ball Yet — An enthusiastic meeting was held in the courthouse Monday night by LaGrange baseball fans to devise some means by which the game could be played here this season.
Much interest was manifested and contributions pledged. Another meeting will be held Friday night, at which time another effort will be made to raise the amount needed to insure a successful season for baseball in LaGrange.
All those interested in baseball should be present and should plan to participate in this effort.
LaGrange to Have Model Playhouse — LaGrange is going to have a model, up-to-date playhouse.
Messrs Market Brothers, who have leased the building formerly occupied by McCaine Brothers, are tearing out and overhauling the building throughout, and the work is being pushed at a rapid rate.
All necessary fixtures have been purchased, and when completed, the business will allow LaGrange to boast of as well equipped play house as can be found anywhere.
The house will open around March 15.
More About The Peanut Business — The farmers of Troup County are determined to forestall the evil effects of the Boll Weevil. There is to be a greater diversity of farm products raised this year, and the meek and lowly peanut is to be the chief factor in redeeming the South from the all cotton idea.
Peanuts are easily raised, require little fertilizer and can be cultivated at a minimum cost.
Several hundred bushels of seed peanuts have been shipped to Hogansville, and Mr. E.B. Clark informed the Graphic that he would have a big lot in LaGrange in a few days, which he expects to sell at $1.25 per bushel.
There will be a big demand for them as hundreds of mills are springing up all over Georgia and Alabama to convert them into oil.
If every farmer in Troup County plants from 5 to 10 acres in peanuts, in less than five years the talk of hard times will have vanished.
Condensed Items of Georgia News
The Henrietta Egleston Hospital for Children, for which the late Thomas Egleston of Atlanta, made provision in his will as a memorial to his mother, is to be a $600,000 institution, according to funds which are now in sight. Eventually this will be one of the leading such institutions in the United States.
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Judge William Searcy, in Superior Court in Griffin, granted a final divorce decree to a man who charged and proved that he had been whipped by his wife. The court ruled this was sufficient grounds for a divorce.
As we approach George Washington’s birthday celebration, it is good to turn back to the hour of the nation’s birth and lay our garlands on the tomb of the man who made this republic possible by his possession of just those qualities of patience and magnanimity, and hope which we need in view of the difficulties and perils of the present hour.
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If you want to kill the boll weevil, starve it to death.
A fellow told a friend of ours the other day that he had tried to freeze a couple of boll weevils and tried to burn them, but his efforts were of no avail. He said he placed the two in a block of ice and left them there for a long while.
He said he went back to see if they were dead, took them out of the ice and placed them on a hot stove.
He said that the two weevils got red hot, flew away to his barn, set it on fire and it burned down before he could extinguish the flames.
The Social Realm
Found Two Pigs — Owner can get same by describing them, paying for their keep and this advertisement. Roy Spinks.
News From Salem — Mr. Grayson Bryan has recently purchased a new touring car, so the girls had better look out for we believe he is beginning to mean business at least.