Hogansville parade winners announced
Published 7:58 pm Monday, December 11, 2017
HOGANSVILLE — On Saturday, Hogansville hosted its annual Christmas parade despite cold conditions that resulted in snow and ice for the area.
On Monday, an official list of the parade winners was released, but organizers emphasized their appreciation for everyone who came out for the parade. About 25 entries took part in the parade.
“Many awesome floats were entered,” said Rose Pellett, one of the parade organizers. “Judges had a hard time picking the winners.”
Crowder’s Auto & Towing won first place. Ricky Smith Roofing took second place, and The Woempner Family for God’s Bread Basket received third place. Willow Heim of God’s Bread Basket was the grand marshal for the parade.
Parade organizers also recognized the following student groups for participating in the parade despite the cold weather: Callaway High School Junior ROTC, Hogansville Elementary School, Callaway Middle School Beta Club, Cub Scout Pack 324 and Callaway High School’s Marching Cavaliers.