Memoried Glances: 1915 — New construction, street sweeper kicks up dust
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 6, 2015

Junes past, 100 years ago.
From The LaGrange Reporter, 1915.
Front Page News
Building in LaGrange — During these times of depression, the hammer and saw have been doing double duty in LaGrange as new buildings are completed and other dwellings are being repaired and remodeled. Much of the activity is in the business section and the paint brush is being freely used in all parts of the city.
Labor and material can be secured at a minimum price now and the people of LaGrange are taking advantage of this reduction as an opportunity for building.
Work on a new gin near the LaGrange Ice and Fuel plant has already begun and in three or four weeks the building of a modern gin and seed houses will be completed to be known as the Elm City Gin. A new street has been opened up from Main Street. A large barn and warehouse were constructed for this business.
The Troup County Courthouse is receiving a fresh coat of paint and is taking on a much brighter appearance. A remodeling and painting up was completed at the LaGrange Mill a few weeks ago.
New residences are also being constructed and some old ones are being remodeled.
New City Sweeper Raises Much Dust — The new city sweeper, which was secured by the city officials about a month ago is some classy article. It raises much dust, in fact so much that some complaint has been caused by its efficiency.
When put in operation on the square at night without use of the sprinkler, so much dust is raised that the people on the street are forced to rush in some of the stores to avoid being overcome by dust.
It has been suggested that the problem can be overcome by setting the sprinkler in advance of the sweeper.
LaGrange to be City Sanitary — LaGrange residents are warned that without further notice cases will be made against all whose premises are found to be in an unsanitary condition from an accumulation of filth or garbage, unclean stables, cow pens or closets.
This order of the mayor and council is a wise step and will mean much towards making LaGrange the “City Sanitary.” The summer months are when we must strive harder than ever for cleanliness. It is the proper thing for the city authorities to lend their assistance.
Clean-up Days in LaGrange — Something like 50 cases have been made during the past two weeks against citizens of LaGrange on account of unsanitary conditions about their premises.
Inspections are being made in all parts of the city. City officials are keeping busy with the project.
520 Farmers Talk on LaGrange Line — Five hundred and 20 farmers’ homes are now connected with the LaGrange office and can rightfully boast of having connection with as many farmers as any city of its size in the state.
We are proud of the fact that our farmers are of the higher type of business men – men who know how to appreciate the modern conveniences of the day.
Big Time at Warm Springs — Four brass bands, all to play at the same time, a speech by the honorable W.C. Adamson, a bountiful barbecue and a double-header ball game – all these will be the principle features of the big Fourth of July celebration to be held at Warm Springs.
Special excursion rates will be in effect for the railroads, and those in charge of the preparations are working hard to have everything pass off smoothly and to make the occasion one long remembered by those present.
Shade Trees Being Injured — The Reporter’s attention has been called to several instances in which shade trees have been injured, some of them killed, and the apparent laxity existing so far as any effort to protect the trees is concerned.
This matter should receive the immediate and thorough attention of the city authorities. LaGrange’s beautiful trees constitute one of its chief assets. Our people will ever have cause to be thankful to Mr. Tom Harwell, who many years ago while mayor, set out the greater number of those trees, which are affording so much pleasure and comfort today.
The city ordinances, under head of “Injuring Shade Trees,” reads as follows: “It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to cut, injure or destroy any shade tree or trees on the sidewalks, streets or public square in this city.” Punishment is left to the discretion of the mayor.
All we need is more thorough enforcement of this ordinance. A few stiff fines for persons who hitch their horses or mules where they can injure trees will have the desired effect.