Methodist church to host ‘gift’ for area
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 25, 2015

PINE MOUNTAIN — The members of the First United Methodist Church of Pine Mountain will host the 10th annual Gift to Pine Mountain and surrounding areas July 27 to 29 at 206 N. McDougald Ave. in Pine Mountain.
The sessions begin at 6:15 each evening with a fellowship break at 7:30 p.m., resuming 7:45 to 9 p.m.
Sessions include:
• Identity theft prevention with Jane Lawson, Kathy Parrot and Ryan Williamson;
• Designing container gardens with Kathy Crye;
• Gluten-free foods and recipes with Terry Douthit;
• Introduction to essential oils with Christy Garner, who will share about essential oils of the Bible;
• Stories of the life of the Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul in character by Rick Adams on the evenings of Jul 27 and 29;
• History of the Cherokee Indians in the local area with Robert Whitten, showing artifacts from his collection;
• Downton Abbey Revisited, an opportunity to “tour” the location in England, with a presentation by John and Peggy Christian;
• How to make a deco mesh wreath with Wendy Bayer;
• The Skill of Free Motion Quilting by Sandra Barge and Charlotte Zuerner will show participants how to use quilting scraps; and
• Sessions on geocaching, social media, exercise, arts, bread making and more.
Anyone seeking further information or to register for classes may call the church office at 706-663-2538 or visit the church website at
Pre-registration is required; some classes are limited in number. A small fee may be asked to help cover the cost of supplies in some classes.