Memoried Glances: LaGrange in 1915 — Give downtown store clerks a day off
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 4, 2015

Junes past, 100 years ago.
From The LaGrange Reporter, 1915.
Front Page News
An Afternoon Off During the Week — It has been suggested that all of the stores in LaGrange close up one afternoon each week and give the faithful clerks one afternoon of rest during each week of these hot months. This plan has been tried successfully in many of the larger cities.
If all of the stores sign a petition to close four afternoons each month and let the employees take one afternoon a week of exercise and recreation, there will be no loss to anybody and the clerks will certainly come back the following morning fresh and with renewed energy.
Let the people know that the stores will be closed on Tuesday, Friday or some other afternoon each week and they will learn to do their shopping that morning.
Why not give the plan a trial?
LaGrange Folks at Columbia University — Misses Blanche Cousar and Louise Vaughan and Professor C. W. Coleman left Savannah by boat last Thursday at 3 o’clock and arrived in New York City on Saturday afternoon at 6. They are attending summer sessions at Columbia University.
The three are among Georgians who organized a Georgia Club at the prestigious university.
Professor Coleman and Miss Mary Smith of Columbus were elected to represent the Georgia Club on the executive committee of the Southern Club. The greatest event of the summer session at Columbia is the annual reception the Southern Club holds in the university’s gymnasium.
Miss Blanche Cousar was one of five Georgians appointed to the committee to arrange the Georgia “stunt” which will represent some phase of state history or present-day Georgia life. In past years Georgia has captured many prizes at this annual reception.
Change Wiring on Church Street — A squad of city workers have been busy this week and the latter portion of last week changing the electric wiring on Church Street in LaGrange.
On account of the dense shade trees in this section of the city, it was necessary for the wires to be placed in the middle of the street.
If the plan works out favorably, the wiring on Broad Street and several other streets will be changed in a similar manner.
Camping Party on the Chattahoochee — About 8 miles north of LaGrange where the Yellow Jacket Creek empties into the Chattahoochee River a congenial party of LaGrange young people are enjoying a vacation camp. Between fishing and boat-riding, their hours during the next week will quickly fly away.
Their pantry is bountifully filled with choice food carried from town and an occasional capture of the troop of the finny tribe adds much to their spreads.
“Wampus Camp No. 4” is the official title of this camp – the number representative of the fact that this is the fourth annual outing trip of the party. This is the second time they have been in the same location.
Three chaperones and 14 young people are camping. They are joined every day by other LaGrange friends for a short stay.
A Trip in a Cadillac From LaGrange to California — An enjoyable auto tour of western points is being made by Mrs. R. D. Render, Mrs. Albert Dunson and little daughter Celeste, and Messrs. W. L. Spivey and J. W. Allen.
In reports to The Reporter, Mrs. Render expressed their pleasure with visits to points of interest in Missouri, Kansas and other western states. In Colorado, a guide entertained them with stories about stage coach robbers. She wrote: “We have escaped meeting up with even the shadow of a robber, but have enjoyed the companionship for brief moments of many different travelers, some of them from far away like ourselves, all pleasant and genial. Often we stop to see those who are finding the joys of the simple life in tents and camps.”
Georgia Should Qualify to Receive Federal Aid — Georgia cannot afford to pass by the opportunity for securing federal appropriations for agricultural extension work which is presented under the provisions of the Smith-Lever Extension Act. This bill, which was passed by Sen. Hoke Smith of Georgia and Congressman Lever of South Carolina, provides for a flat appropriation of $10,000 and an additional sum of $27,000 next year provided the state will appropriate a like sum for this purpose. By putting up $27,000 we get $37,000 from the government.
The entire amount must be used for the necessary expenses of carrying on the farm demonstration work in the various counties, which is the Boys’ Corn Club, Girls’ Canning Club and the spreading of knowledge of home economics.
The bill provides for annually increasing appropriations through a period of six years, beginning next year, the amount to be based on rural population. If Georgia qualifies she will receive over $100,000 six years from now.
Georgia should definitely participate in this project.
Editorial brief:
“The usual dividends have been declared by our cotton mills, says a news report from LaGrange, Georgia, which is a dividend city, industrial city, commercial city and growing city.” From Industrial Index.