Dodge ball tournament to help LaGrange Big Brothers Big Sisters
Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 16, 2015

LaGRANGE — The local chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters is helping folks turn back the clock and head back to elementary school, at least for one night.
The group hosts the inaugural Back to School Dodge Ball Trifecta, planned to become a regular event. The three-night game is a fundraiser for the organization.
People can sign up for the dodge ball games either with a group or as individuals, said Kelley Mitchell, program manager of the LaGrange chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Teams of 10 will play against each other for prizes at the LaGrange Academy gym on Vernon Road.
There will be three nights of games: July 27, Aug. 3 and Aug. 10. Each game starts at 5 p.m. and is planned to last until 8 p.m. It is $10 to play one night of dodge ball, or $25 to play all three nights, which includes a meal each night plus one T-shirt, stated Mitchell.
For the last few years, the organization has held a kickball tournament as a fundraising event. Mitchell said the group decided to change it up this year so more people could get involved.
“The dodge ball tournament is something different that we thought anyone could do,” she said. “It’s athletic, but this event is really more about togetherness. Everyone can participate. I’m really looking forward to it.”
Mitchell believes the event will create more bonding time for “bigs” and “littles” – the adult mentors and children paired by the program – plus showcase the close relationships they have. She hoped it would inspire more people to get involved in the organizations.
“It’s a good time for everyone to get together and regroup,” Mitchell explained. “We can get the ‘bigs’ and ‘littles’ to tell their stories and hopefully get more people to sign up as ‘bigs.’
“It’s also a fun activity for our ‘bigs’ and ‘littles,’ and they get to help out at the event as well,” she continued. “It provides fellowship among our ‘bigs,’ ‘littles,’ our board members, potential new board members and the community. We might not make a million dollars, but it will be for a good cause and raise more awareness for Big Brothers Big Sisters.”
Anyone interested in signing up for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Back to School Dodge Ball Trifecta can call Kelley Mitchell at 706-298-2434 or John Harrell at 706-302-7546. People can also sign up for the tournament online at