Columnist: Trump deserves fairness

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Larry Summerour

Contributing columnist

It seems that all the political pundits are writing about the popularity of Donald Trump. They can’t understand why a political novice like the businessman Trump can be ahead of politicians like Jeb Bush and Paul Walker.

To be fair, Trump certainly has some conspicuous liabilities. It is very difficult to pin him down on specifics. He seems to glory in generalities. Perhaps his opponents in the upcoming debates will get him to clarify what he will do when confronted with concrete decisions.

In writing this I am not endorsing anyone for president. To be honest, I still miss Ronald Reagan. None of the candidates in the upcoming presidential debates can compare with Reagan’s commonsense approach to politics.

I definitely understand why Trump is popular. First and foremost, he is not a politician. If you take an honest look at Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, they are definitely politicians. Like most of the candidates, they are controlled by the lobbyists and special interests. Only Trump is paying his own way. I can truthfully say that he is the most authentic person in the race.

I have a good friend in Cobb County who says quite honestly that he is sick and tired of the Bush family and the Clintons. Although he is neither a staunch Republican nor Democrat, he is sick and tired of business as usual. He is looking for a fresh face.

Another reason Trump is popular is that he is right when it comes to dealing with foreign countries. Believe me, the political leaders of China, Mexico and Russia care absolutely nothing about you and me. In other words, they are not our friends. Trump is right when he condemns these other countries.

Trump is popular because the news media in general despises him. In the interview with Anderson Cooper, I could see the fire in Cooper’s eyes as he asked Trump questions.

In my opinion, the fairest Trump interview came from Sean Hannity. Thankfully, Hannity gave Trump plenty of time to answer the questions. Most of the others didn’t.

Does Donald Trump have faults? Of course he does. He is kind of a legend in his own mind. However, the man deserves fairness as he runs for America’s highest office. Certainly he deserves that.

Finally, like Trump I am not against legal immigration. I am very much against millions of people who are here illegally. As a taxpayer, the government forces me and others to financially support the illegals. We definitely need to secure our borders. Only Trump is raising this important issue.

Larry Summerour of Troup County is a retired pastor who enjoys political commentary.