Columnist: The power of staying positive
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cheerful! Wow, one of my customers makes me want to kick myself because they are so positive and upbeat.
I consider myself a very positive person. For instance, when I go fishing I got the French fries ready to cook when we get back. This couple is all about loving each other and other people.
The reason I listed their home was because the husband has some serious health issues going on and the doctor said to get closer to the hospital. Their home is a showplace and yes, they are losing in this market — about 20 percent on the sale, but they have not one word of complaint.
We will just move in a rental with less to keep up. I went to visit him in the hospital the other day. Thankfully, he is back home now.
I just called and told them we will be closing in about three weeks. They were so upbeat about everything.
When you deal with people like this you see the real meaning of love and being happy for every day God gives them. Now this should be a real TV show of what LIFE is really about.
You can tell they trust the Lord and do not worry. Makes you wish when you get to know them that you were kin to them.
My wish to everyone reading this is that they can get this kind of peace and love and also meet someone in their life just like this couple. I am blessed to have friends like this couple.
My list and sell … they don’t ask what they got charged, they got blessed.
“Renew a right spirit within me.” — Psalms 51:10
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The simple joys of life
The real joy in life is in the simple things!
I love to get up and walk every morning sometimes when the stars are still shining. This time of year Troup County has got to be one of the most beautiful places in the world!
My office manager knows I do not do drugs, but when I come in every morning I am ready for a great day. Enjoy the moment you’re in every day.
Do not say, “I wish I had a better job, better people around me.” Be the spark plug that makes it happen!
Your career is as good as the person in the mirror lets it be. Give it a big smile and a smile will come back in that mirror, I promise.
Remember this, you cannot out give the Lord. Give 100 percent every day in everything you do.
Be a mentor to someone in your life that needs a helping hand and you will be glad you did!
“It takes a mature person to be content on the mountaintop and content in the valley.” — Joel Osteen