Columnist: Season of love; avoid spoiling kids
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 14, 2015

The season to love, live and rejoice
I talked to one of my old friends and he told me how he loved the burning bush story and how he wished he had listened to someone that had done him wrong. Now the person is dead, and it is too late.
Folks, people love the peacemaker more than the person that causes all the problems. When you hate someone you are only hurting yourself and your family.
Take the high road and take the time to make it right with the other person. I would not talk about this, but my friend said it was really important to say it a little more.
If you’re perfect, then I guess I am not talking to you. I think we put the only perfect one on a cross.
Remember the good times you had with that person. Are they worth a simple, “I AM——————. I AM ————-. I HAVE MISSED YOU. I STILL LOVE YOU.”
If your answer is yes, then do not wait. This message comes from two nice business men that I truly care about, so guys, I hope it works.
May God bless!
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Spoiled kids
Nothing worse than a spoiled brat that wants and will get everything that the parents cannot afford by not knowing the word “no.”
Yes, the parents have to say “no.” Kids know how to manipulate you to feeling guilty for not getting them 27 toys they do not need for Christmas.
Do not try to out-give other people. Set yourself a budget and stick to it!
The best thing you can give your kids this year is your time. You can make your mind up to have spoiled kids or blessed kids — you have that to control.
If you give them your time and love they are rich! Some of my best times, to this day, are when I went quail hunting with my dad with a single-shot .410 shotgun.
I killed very few birds, but I was with my dad. Share your good times with your kids this Christmas.
I promise it will be awesome!
May God bless!