Memoried Glances: 1991 — Former LaGrange resident raises flag in Kuwait
Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 26, 2016

Marches past, 25 years ago.
From the LaGrange Daily News, 1991.
Front Page News
Former City Resident Raises Flag In Kuwait — Helicopters swooped into Kuwait City today, carrying the new American envoy — former LaGrange resident Edward “Skip” Gnehm Jr. — who presided over the raising of the same American flag that had fluttered above the United States Embassy there before its December evacuation.
Gnehm, 47, a Carrollton native and new diplomat, was appointed ambassador to Kuwait on Jan. 3. He is inside his office there today for the first time. He and his family lived in LaGrange when he was a child.
Troup’s ‘Gracious Lady’ Eyes State Senior Crown — Emily Sheffield will represent Troup County in the Miss Senior Georgia Pageant Sunday in Roswell. Mrs. Sheffield’s comedy routines have entertained many area audiences in and around LaGrange. She frequently performs with her husband, Ben Sheffield, in acts for civic clubs, church groups and other organizations.
Sheffield Wins First Runner-Up — Emily Sheffield of LaGrange was named first runner-up and Miss Congeniality in the 1991 Miss Senior Georgia Pageant Sunday in Roswell. Mrs. Sheffield performed an interpretive movement presentation of The Lord’s Prayer in the talent competition.
The winner was professional model Ruth Fincher of Savannah, who was first runner-up in the 1990 contest.
LC Education Graduates ‘Ace’ Teacher Certification Test — The LaGrange College Division of Education has been notified that 100 percent of its early childhood education graduates and 98 percent of its middle childhood education graduates passed the Georgia Teacher Certification Test during the years 1985-1990.
Over the five-year period, 82 undergraduates and three graduate students took the early childhood certificate test. A total of 52 undergrads and one graduate student took the Qiddle childhood certificate test. The college authorities have also been told that 80 percent of the college’s education graduates continue in a teaching career in Georgia.
Serving In The Gulf — Two LaGrange brothers recently met up with each other in Saudi Arabia, where they are deployed with Operation Desert Storm.
Sgt. Gary L. Thornton is with the 67th Army Brigade that left Germany for the Gulf on Jan 3. A medical reservist, Sgt. Charlie W. Thornton left Augusta with the 138th medical unit on Dec. 31. The Thornton brothers have sisters, Betty Kelley and Carolyn Thornton living in LaGrange.
Rotarians Honor STAR Students, Teachers — STAR students and teachers from local high schools were honored by the LaGrange Rotary Club at the group’s luncheon meeting last week.
Students honored are: Troup High School STARS — Wendy Crawford and Richard Parrott; LaGrange High School STARS — Nell Ma’luf and James Fulford; and LaGrange Academy STARS — Phillip Abbott and Jeff Thompson.
The STAR Award goes to the student in the top 10 percent of a high school graduating class who has the highest score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Teachers are chosen by the students as someone who has contributed to their success and influenced their development. The LaGrange Rotary Club has been the local sponsor of the recognition for many years.
Top STAR — LaGrange High School’s STAR student Nell Ma’luf has been named the Third Congressional District’s STAR student for 1991.
She and her STAR teacher, Jim Fulford, were among the STARs from 23 systems honored. The first LaGrange High School student to win the district honor in over a decade, Miss Ma’luf received a $500 scholarship as the district’s top STAR.
A ‘Grand’ Ribbon Cutting — LaGrange youngsters Fuller E. Callaway IV, 6; Charles D. Hudson III, 51; Mary Ellen Hudson, 3; and Mary Hollis Callaway, 4, cut the ribbon to officially open the Callaway Acute Care Center at Scottish Rite Children’s Medical Center in Atlanta this week.
The center is named in honor of the children’s great-grandparents, Alice Hand Callaway and Fuller E. Callaway Jr. of LaGrange, longtime supporters of Scottish Rite. The new 100,000-square-foot facility will house all of the medical center’s critical care service, including an expanded emergency/trauma department, surgical suites, intensive care units, pharmacy, respiratory therapy and day surgery.
Local Equestrian To Participate In International Special Olympics — Local “Special Olympian” Dexter Kendrell Strozier, 14, student at Gardner Newman Middle School in LaGrange, has been selected to participate in the Special Olympics International Games to be held in Minnesota this summer. He is the first local athlete to receive this honor. He will be entered in the Equestrian competition, the Special Olympics event in which he excels, having won first place in his division the first time he competed.