Commission sets new rules for firework sales
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 10, 2016

LaGRANGE — The Troup County Board of Commissioners this week set new regulations for the sale of fireworks in the county.
The ordinance, which was passed in a 3-2 vote, limits the zoning districts in which fireworks may be sold and defines types of firework stores. Commissioners Tripp Foster and Richard English voted against the ordinance, which took effect Tuesday, and commissioners Morris Jones and Buck Davis voted in favor. Chairman Patrick Crews broke the tie in favor.
Firework stores are classified in three categories: retail sale facilities, firework stands and retail stores that offer merchandise other than fireworks.
A retail sale facility is defined as “a permanent or temporary building or structure, consumer fireworks retail sales stand, canopy, or membrane structure that is used primarily for the retail display and sale of consumer fireworks to the public.”
The ordinance defines a firework stand as a “temporary or permanent building or structure that has a floor area not greater than 800 square feet, other than tents, canopies, or membranes structures, that is used primarily for the retail display and sale of consumer fireworks to the public.”
Retail stores include any other store that is not used for the regular sale of fireworks, and the merchandise for sale must be 51 percent unrelated to fireworks.
The sale of fireworks is prohibited in residential areas and in quality overlay districts.
Retail sale facilities and firework stands allow for the sale of fireworks in general industrial and limited industrial zones, and may be allowed in general commercial zones with a special-use permit. They are prohibited in limited commercial, neighborhood commercial, commercial adult and commercial recreational vehicle park zones.
Retail stores with common merchandise may sell fireworks in general commercial, limited commercial, general industrial and limited industrial zones. Sales may be permitted in neighborhood commercial and commercial recreational vehicle park zones with a special-use permit.
For information about county zoning districts, including a map, visit