Columnist: Pursue your vision in life
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 15, 2016

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” — Proverbs 29:18
If you have no vision, let’s back it down a little. If you could do anything you wanted, what would you write down?
Now this could be business, personal or family. Top of my list is more time off and more time doing fun stuff. Now that is just me and what turns me on. Yours may be getting a better job, making more money, seeing your kids do better than they are doing.
What can you do to make things happen for you? Maybe go back to school and learn to do something better or a new skill all together.
You’re not too old unless your mind says you’re too old to stop learning and getting better. I am taking a course while driving right now about how to be a better storyteller.
You say, “better what?” Yes, each week I am just telling a story I see going through life. People really give me my ideas as I am passing by in my trip called life. I listen more than you may think. People always like to talk to me and I listen, ask questions and really learn a lot.
What is your picture frame looking like now? What do you see in your future?
It is not too late to have a blast, no matter what your age, if you set your mind to it. Do not stop learning. Keep your mind and body busy and life will have more to enjoy, I promise.
Many people go on to make lots of money after age 60 because they are not afraid to lose and they are doing something they like. If it is business, have a good plan. If it is spending more time with your family, check out great and fun things to do together.
Talk and listen to your friends. Pay attention to what they enjoy because they may have fresh ideas that you will love. Maybe see about taking your granddaughter fishing and watch the excitement of that first fish and the joy that it brings everyone.
I can still see Ashley with her 16-ounce bream and folks, that was a long time ago. She was all smiles.
Am I painting you a happy picture so that you can put your smile in the painting? I really hope so! Dare to dream! Dare to have a big vision for your life!
May God bless and you will!
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I had dinner Monday night with a retired state patrol officer that rides horses a lot these days. He asked about real estate and I told him I am having an awesome year closing lots of houses.
He wanted to know if I still enjoy what I do, and I told him I still love it.
He said, “I wish I was still with the state patrol. I really miss it.” He added, “Keep doing it as long as you can. Your hobbies can only keep you busy so long.”
People are living much longer every year and are in much better health. Think about taking your hobby or what you always thought you would be good at and make yourself a second career.
My friend, Teresa Houze, is selling her pictures all over the world. Her talent with a camera may be a big career and she is loving every picture. Take what you love doing and become the very best you can be at it.
Maybe you have always been a car person. You may start an old car collection and trade them for a profit. Chase your dreams, grow your dreams and make life fun.
Maybe you help charities and help people. I love to shoot guns. This year the Kiwanis Club is taking their sporting clay shoot from a shoot one day to a two-day shoot, and we will be able to help more people with the money we give to people in college.
Take your talents and help other people. By doing this you will stay young yourself.