Columnist: Republicans should vote for Trump
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 13, 2016

If you are a Republican, then you should vote for Donald Trump.
There are many reasons why this should happen. Foremost, Donald J. Trump got the most votes during the primaries. He soundly defeated a lot of formidable opponents who spent millions of dollars to defeat him.
These men and woman did all they could to silence Trump. Miraculously, he won easily. All the political pundits are still scratching their heads in trying to figure out what happened.
I have absolutely no respect for the Bush family, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney because they are “cry baby” Republicans. If they had any intestinal fortitude, they would proudly get behind the Trump campaign. Of all the candidates in the Republican field, I definitely respected Trump the most.
Republicans should vote for Trump because he has brought in millions of new people to the Republican family. Mitt Romney and John McCain are proof that you need many nontraditional voters to win a general election. If you appeal only to regular Republicans, you’re going to lose.
I hear people say that Donald Trump cannot defeat Hillary Clinton. Well, they’re wrong. I would never underestimate the political strengths of Trump.
He has demonstrated time and time again that he is a tough campaigner. In fact, the Clintons have never faced a formidable adversary like Donald Trump. If the Democrats have any sense, they should never take Trump lightly. He’s a force to be reckoned with.
Believe me, most Reagan Democrats will back Trump. The miners of West Virginia are a good example. Trump, not Hillary, speaks to the hopes and dreams of these middle class voters. Many of these voters have not done well financially in recent times. Trump gives them a sense of optimism.
One of my best friends is a staunch Republican in Marietta. He believes that the only way Trump will lose is if the “cry baby” elite establishment Republicans do not support him. I maintain that people like Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham do not love the Republican Party. If they did, they would join the Trump team and help to defeat Hillary Clinton in November.
Donald Trump is a true conservative. If you seriously listen to what he is saying, he is just as conservative as Ronald Reagan. The only difference is that Trump will retaliate vociferously against his opponents.
The Clintons will have their hands full when debating the Trump political machine. Trump will do well in competition.
I personally do not support Donald Trump, even though I respect him. Trump is a conservative, and I am a progressive. Therefore, he will not get my vote.
If you are a conservative, then vote for Trump. Don’t be a “cry baby” Republican.