English learning academy stems ‘summer slide’
Published 12:00 am Monday, June 20, 2016
LaGRANGE — Even though the school year has ended, learning didn’t stop for close to 50 Troup County School System English second language — ESOL — students, six teachers and two paraprofessionals.
They extended their school year at the annual Summer Learning Academy, designed for students who participate in the ESOL program throughout the traditional school year.
While most students were of Hispanic and Korean backgrounds, there were more than five nationalities represented. There was also an increase in the number of attendees.
“In the past, we have only invited lower grades, but this year we included the fourth and fifth grade students,” said Silk Lee, ESOL teacher at Franklin Forest and Whitesville Road elementary schools. “We set the program up to mimic a school day, with learning activities in the early morning, recess later in the morning and a light snack before they return home.
“During the day, students use an abbreviated summer curriculum program that helps keep the fundamentals we learn during the year top of mind. The time we spend together is interesting for the students and teachers and help them be better prepared when school starts back in August.”
The two-week program focuses on writing, comprehension, math and computer literacy.
On the final day, participants are treated to a field trip to Butts Mill Farms in Pine Mountain.