Diverse Power Foundation awards scholarships
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 20, 2016
LaGRANGE — The Diverse Power Foundation recently presented scholarships to 24 students within the Diverse Power service territory, including 18 to students who live in Troup County.
Selection of Diverse Power Foundation scholarship winners is based on grades, SAT scores, extracurricular activities, personal character, civic responsibility and financial need. The winning students each received a $2,000 scholarship to the technical institute, junior or four-year college of their choice.
In the past 13 years, the Diverse Power Foundation has awarded $852,500 in scholarships, including $48,000 awarded this year. Headed by a nine-member volunteer board, the Foundation distributes funds raised through Operation Round Up, Diverse Power’s philanthropic program in which consumer-members round up their power bill to the next dollar with the extra change earmarked for education.
“By providing scholarships to area students, the Diverse Power Foundation, the cooperative and its members do their part to help ease the economic burden faced by families in the communities we serve,” says Diverse Power Residential Services and Marketing Coordinator Ken Pope.
For how and when to apply for 2017 scholarships, contact Diverse Power at 706-845-2000 or 1-800-845-8362, or visit www.dpfi.org where scholarship applications are online. Applications also may be obtained through school counselors or administrators.
Local recipients, their school, parents and higher learning destination are:
Carson Andrews, Springwood School, daughter of Joseph and Heather Andrews of LaGrange, University of Alabama.
Rebecca Borders, Lafayette Christian School, daughter of Philip and Debra Borders of LaGrange, University of Georgia.
Sara Ann Bryant, LaGrange High, daughter of Bret and Carole Bryant of LaGrange, LaGrange College.
Chase Drake, Callaway High, son of James and Gina Drake of Hogansville, University of Georgia.
Macy Fenn, LaGrange High, daughter of Angie Fenn of LaGrange, University of West Georgia.
Win Jennings, LaGrange High, son of Ramsey Jennings and Laura Jennings of LaGrange, University of Georgia.
Chae hee Kim, Callaway High, daughter of Sun Mee Kim of LaGrange, University of Georgia.
Holly Lord, Troup High, daughter of Gerald and Terry Lord of LaGrange, University of Georgia.
Connor Mahan, LaGrange High, son of Jane Mahan of LaGrange, Furman University.
Emmie Marcellini, Callaway High, daughter of Marc and Stephanie Marcellini of LaGrange, LaGrange College.
Garrett McCartney, Callaway High, son of Jenny McCartney of Hogansville, University of North Georgia.
Morgan McLeroy, Lafayette Christian School, daughter of Bethella and Ernest McLeroy of LaGrange, Georgia College.
Savannah McMillian, Callaway High, daughter of Danny and Sherry McMillian of LaGrange, LaGrange College.
Madison Murphy, Troup High, daughter of Kerry and Renee White and Vince Murphy of LaGrange, LaGrange College.
Gabriella Stribling, LaGrange High, daughter of Chad and Mitzi Hall Norton of LaGrange, University of Georgia.
Katherine Stringham, Lafayette Christian School, daughter of Kevin and Victoria Stringham of Hogansville, Truett-McConnell College.
Elizabeth Veal, Troup High, daughter of Jeff and Kathy Veal of LaGrange, University of Georgia.
Charles Woo, Troup High, son of Sukju and Jae Woo of LaGrange, Georgia State University.