Columnist: The way I see it!
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 15, 2016
LaGrange is a great place to live thanks to the vision of the Callaway Foundation helping with so many things in Troup County.
We are blessed beyond what my simple words can begin to talk about. Think about it, at Sweetland Amphitheater we had Willie Nelson, Charlie Daniels Band and many more big stars that will come to us in the future.
We have a nice hotel that will be built on the square for the next 60 years for people to come and enjoy Willie and the boys the next time they are in town. One of the nicer water parks in the South will be here for people that will drive 150 miles to come visit our wonderful city.
My friends from Columbus come up often to have dinner with us; they love our local restaurants. Lake West Point is still a great fishing lake. Joey Mines has groups fly in from Texas, California, Michigan, Maine, even Australia and England each year and fish three days with him then spend a day at Callaway Gardens. They come here to fish then enjoy the area. With Joey I saw six bald eagles in one day while fishing.
We are blessed with LaGrange College, Point University and West Georgia Technical College for our kids to get a great education and stay at home. I could give you many more things to think about.
I dare you to take a good look today and what you see is awesome about this place I call home. You too will say, “We are blessed!”
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I have a good idea for the Board of Education to more wisely use the old Tatum School property where they now park school buses.
Why not let Troup County help you with prison labor and make that into a place to park the buses and a walking track. You will always need a place on the west side of Troup County to keep your buses and that could, and would, be a wonderful small park for kids to throw a baseball and people to have a walking path.
You can name it after someone from Troup County that has died while defending our country and honor that family also. It could be done with crush and run stone, nothing fancy but people would enjoy it.