Get Ready: Fall activities on tap next weekend
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 21, 2016
LaGRANGE – Some popular fall activities in downtown LaGrange are moving to a new location.
An event that has been a town favorite for 26 years in LaGrange is the chili cook off, which will be held at the Sweetland Amphitheatre at Boyd Park this year. The event has been sponsored by The Downtown LaGrange Development Authority since 2011.
The cook off takes place on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cook off will involve contestants cooking their best version of chili for judges to decide who the winner is. The categories for the contest are: Best Chili (Judge’s choice), Best Chili (People’s choice), and Best Decorated Chili Booth.
Tickets for tasting the chili are $5 per person for ages 12 and above, $3 for children ages 3-11, and free for children ages 2 and under.
The Downtown LaGrange Development Authority will provide participants wtih items at Sweetland’s great lawn like space for a booth, a sign that lists the particpiant’s organization/sponsor/charity information, tasting cups, tasting spoons, napkins and To-Go bowls.
Participants will be responsible for things like securing their own sponsor to help with the cost of the booth, decorations, and ingredients; designating a charity to be the recipient of your cook off funds; coordinating volunteers to help make your chili and work at your booth; have any condiments needed for your chili; and making sure you have 15 gallons (at least) of the same recipe of chili.
Booths may be set up at 9 a.m., with judging taking place between 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
The annual trick-or-treating and Halloween costume contests also are moving to Boyd Park this year.
The Children’s Costume Contest (children 0-12 years-old may participate) will get underway at noon on that Saturday on the stage. Registration for children will take place at the pavillion from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Children may also Trick or Treat at Sweetland from 1 to 2 p.m. in the reserved section of the west parking lot. Children 12 and under may be in costume to participate. Candy will be supplied and given away by LaGrange’s industries such as Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, Glovis, and the Troup County Sheriff’s Department.
Along with the two big events, fall festival games will take place on Sweetland’s great lawn for families and children.
For questions or more infromation about the upcoming fall events, contact Barbie Watts, director of promotions and marketing at the LaGrange Development Authority, at 706-298-4534 or email her at