Dinner is served
Published 4:43 pm Monday, December 26, 2016
- From left, Betty Shears, Joann Simpson and Allan Simpson help put together meals in the kitchen at Cannon Street Elementary School for the Up All Night Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day. (James Simpson II | LaGrange Daily News)
LaGRANGE- Christmas dinner was served at Cannon Street Elementary School on Christmas Day.
The annual Up All Night Christmas Dinner — put on by the gospel radio program “Up All Night” in LaGrange – was at it again during the holiday season cooking, preparing and stirring up a tasty Christmas meal for the families and people who are homeless and less fortunate.
The Up All Night dinner is set up where people from around the neighborhood can walk to the former school and pick up their plates and people who live further out may have their meals delivered to them.
“Usually the people who get plates delivered are sick and-shut-in members and homebound,” said the Up All Night Coordinator Jimmy Edwards. “Most of the people that come in are walking from Revis Streetand Mulberry Street.”
On the menu was turkey, corn, macaroni and cheese, rice, green beans, Cokes to drinks and a different assortment of desserts to choose between.
“We started cooking on Thursday, we boiled the turkey on Friday and by the time we came in this morning, the food was ready to serve,” said the head of the kitchen volunteers, Betty Shears. “All we had to do is warm the food up and we were ready to feed people. I just enjoy doing this.”
Other helpers who contributed to the dinner and served willingly were the pastor of Canaan Baptist Church, the Rev. Allan Simpson, along with his wife Joann Simpson; a deacon from Canaan Baptist Church J.B. Freeman and Devita Dean.
“Instead of going to church this morning, we decided to serve and bring the church here,” said the Rev. Simpson. “We’re here to support and help today.”
Shirttail- Reach James Simpson II 706-884-7311, ext. 2155, or by email at james.simpson@lagrangenews.com