More than $1,000 in equipment stolen from shed
Published 9:29 pm Thursday, July 6, 2017
The LaGrange Police Department is investigating an apparent burglary that took place on the 200 block of East Crovat Street.
Police responded to the call on Thursday at 10:03 a.m., but the burglary took place sometime in the last three weeks. They met with a man who said he is missing $1,260 in lawn equipment. The man told police he has not been in his shed, where all of the equipment was stolen, in three weeks.
The man said a generator valued at $300, hedge trimmers valued at $100, a garden tiller valued at $200, a push lawn mower valued at $250, two sets of hand tools valued at $150, a deep fryer valued at $60 and a window A/C unit valued at $200 were all taken.
Other value items were left in the shed, including a riding lawn mower, two stereo systems and other miscellaneous items.
Building ransacked on Greenville Street
A building on the 700 block of Greenville Street was ransacked on Thursday, but nothing was taken.
When police arrived at approximately 10 a.m., they found multiple broken windows, glass broken out of doors, fire extinguishers scattered throughout the building, broken lights and light fixtures, broken exit signs, papers scattered all around the floor and installation pulled down.
Inside a nearby small building, a water sprinkler was broken and water was running as workers tried to get it cut off. Police reported bicycle tracks were also seen inside the building.
The owner did not know an exact estimate on the cost for repairs but estimated the damage to be thousands of dollars.
All information in this report is gathered from official law enforcement and public safety reports and releases. It is the policy of the Daily News to list the names of people charged with felonies.