Consider donating unneeded clothes
Published 9:09 pm Monday, July 31, 2017
Today is the beginning of August and with it comes some of the most enjoyable times of the year.
The weather will still be hot, although by the end of the month it might be a touch more bearable than it is now. August also brings the start of football — not that we needed to remind you — and area children heading back to school.
Parents are likely wrapping up their back to school shopping this week. Others may be just starting.
One thing is for sure — all of it adds up really fast. It’s amazing how fast a shopping cart of school supplies or a couple of pairs of jeans can turn into a higher-than expected total at the cash register.
That’s why many parents do their best to find a bargain.
New supplies, new clothes and more have to be purchased this time of year, meaning old supplies and old clothes have to be tossed out to make room.
Many people think of donating clothes and other items to charities during holidays and at the end of the year, but this is a great time to do so too.
There are countless places to donate old items and clothing, including Goodwill and The Salvation Army here in the city limits.
Not every family can afford brand new shoes and clothes for their children every year.
There’s nothing wrong with that, and if you are in a position to buy your children new stuff, consider donating the unneeded clothes to a place where others can make use of them.
There are many families that could use the assistance.