College joins today’s Giving Tuesday effort
Published 6:39 pm Monday, November 27, 2017
Nonprofit organizations around the world are hoping people will have a heart for giving rather than shopping during this year’s #Giving Tuesday campaign.
Among them is LaGrange College, who has been working with alumni, faculty and friends to raise awareness of the drive.
Today’s #GivingTuesday event at LaGrange College is focused on the students, according to Anabeth Ivey, LaGrange College Fund gift officer and #Giving Tuesday coordinator.
“LaGrange is all about providing scholarship support and resources for our students to get the most out of their experience on the Hill,” she said. “We are excited to support our students’ education by celebrating #GivingTuesday at LaGrange.”
The internationally recognized day of giving is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and following shopping events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
The day kicks off the holiday giving season with the intent to inspire people to collaborate in improving their communities and to give back in impactful ways to the charities and causes they support.
For Hyunji “Jia” Lee of LaGrange, scholarship funds have helped her find her true calling. She is a junior nursing student and plans to work in a hospital, but is still discovering what field of nursing interests her the most.
“I know I will find the place for me,” she said.
“Being a nurse is not a simple task, and I feel like it is a calling to become a nurse.”
Scholarship support has been a necessity for her to pursue this goal without taking on student loans.
“This scholarship has helped me and my family immensely for my nursing education,” she said.
She also knows the importance of giving back, serving on the philanthropy committee of her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi.
Donations to LaGrange College for Giving Tuesday will support student aid like scholarships as well as educational programs like the travel vouchers that provide all freshmen $2,500 toward a Study Away opportunity during their junior or senior year.
The Development Office will have a tent at tonight’s Christmas on the Hill to offer more information on #GivingTuesday.
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.