Fantasy in Lights returns for the 26th year
Published 7:27 pm Wednesday, December 13, 2017
PINE MOUNTAIN — The holidays are a time for making memories and spending time with family and friends. Pine Mountain, Georgia’s Callaway Resort & Gardens provides the perfect place for such experiences at the famous Fantasy In Lights.
At Fantasy In Lights, visitors experience the light and sound extravaganza on a “Jolly Trolley” or by driving through the lighted scenes in their personal vehicle, including the newest addition, “Snow Day.” The sparkling, animated displays such as Snowflake Valley, a winter wonderland filled with enormous snowflakes and thousands of cascading white lights; Magical Christmas Garden with a 24-foot wreath entrance; and Santa’s Workshop, showcasing animated versions of Santa’s elves busy making toys for the big night. Two “don’t miss” scenes with music and narrative are on Robin Lake Beach: ’Twas the Night Before Christmas and The Nativity. Each lasts approximately 10 minutes and are presented consecutively.
Ninety-nine percent of the frames used to create the scenes in Fantasy In Lights are custom designed and built just for Callaway Gardens, taking 3,900 hours to install. In keeping with Callaway Gardens’ mission of connecting man and nature, every kilowatt of power used to light up Fantasy In Lights is compensated with “green” power. Callaway Gardens was the first destination in the Southeast to offset 100 percent of its electricity use by purchasing wind power credits.