Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born
Published 8:32 pm Wednesday, December 20, 2017
While listening to the news the other night, I heard a snippet regarding a new poll that had been taken. “Most people do not view Christmas as a religious holiday,” the anchor flatly stated.
Well, then I guess most folks can’t read. Explain to me what they view Christmas as?
The first six letters of Christmas give a big hint as to what this holiday is all about.
Who participated in the poll anyway? Maybe it was an exit poll taken when three-year-old children leaving their nursery school.
When I think about all the division and heartache this past year has brought to many, I believe the best thing we can do is to get back to our spiritual roots.
We need to return to what Christmas is all about. We are not two-dimensional creatures. We are made up of a mind, body, and soul.
Seems to me those who see no Christ in Christmas need to put on “soul glasses” and look.
The good news is, the Christ in Christmas is not hard to find. He hasn’t sold out. You don’t even have to go to Amazon or Walmart.
He is right in our living rooms, waiting patiently for us to see Him standing beside the tree full of ornaments decorated with shiny ribbon. The lights sparkle on and off the old tree, but the true light is in the man that waits.
You know, I sometimes hesitate about writing a religious article. Even though I often speak of God, I realize that my beliefs shouldn’t trespass on another. However, if you are going to open presents and celebrate Christmas, then acknowledge why you do so.
I heard a song in church today that made me tap my feet and my body dance a bit. “Go Tell it on the Mountain” is an African-American spiritual song written around 1865 by John Wesley Work, Jr.
The song has been recorded many times by countless artist. Mahalia Jackson, Bing Crosby, Dolly Parton, Bobby Darin, Jewel and, this year, Taylor Hanson, are a few that have sung the lyrics that joyfully tell the story of the nativity.
“Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born!”
The Bible also says go tell it on the mountain. It instructs all of us who see Christ in Christmas to go tell the story to others. We are not to timidly hide in our churches, but to boldly stand within the light of Christ.
By the time you read this, your shopping and wrapping should be almost done. You have planned your meals and are probably baking some cookies, likely eating one or two.
The next step is cleaning up the mess we have made and get our homes ready for the big day. It is exhausting for sure, but worth it.
When I pause and think of the reason for Christmas I am truly in awe. God so loved us that He sent us a miracle.
This little child would save us from losing hope, from giving up, from feeling alone. This little child would teach us faith, love, charity, and show us the way to eternal life. This little Christ child could clean up every mess we ever made.
When I watch a Christmas nativity reenacted, I often put myself right in the stable. Knowing how much I love babies, I would have surely told Mary, “Honey, go get yourself some tea and a biscuit. I will hold this child of yours and keep him warm and safe till you return.”
When I think of this child born so long ago, and what He became, I am in awe that throughout my whole life He was the one who held me.
I am sure I would not have survived without Him. I know there were times when life was so difficult that I no longer wanted to go on.
There were days when depression and hurt tried to take me away. There were moments when I felt unworthy and unloved. There were family deaths and illnesses that brought severe grief and darkness.
There were days when I couldn’t see any light at all.
Those were the days when Christ showed me His light, His love, His countenance, and His forgiveness. He has always picked me up and carried me to His warmth and safety.
So, I will thank that little Christ Child today by going to tell it on a mountain that He was born. Hallelujah!
God’s bless each one of you with His abundant love.
Merry Christmas!
Lynn Walker Gendusa is a former resident and writer who currently resides in Roswell. She can be reached at lwgendusa@bellsouth.net