Making curbside recycling work is up to community
Published 8:29 pm Sunday, March 4, 2018
When the LaGrange City Council took a hard look at curbside recycling last week, the discussion understandably brought citizen concerns to the forefront.
Some questioned why the program had not been more heavily marketed to citizens, while others confessed that they had never heard of the program.
We ask that city leaders rethink how they are marketing the recycling program and getting information about it out to citizens. More information online or fliers stuffed in with utility bills could be a good start.
This program was requested by citizens, but it may not be viable long term unless more people sign up, or the city finds a way to manage the expense.
At the start of the program, only 1,500 households were estimated to be necessary for curbside recycling to meet its budget. As of last week, only 1,000 households had signed up. Is your household one of those participating?
If you are, then great. If not, then call the city and request a curbside recycling bin, so that you can toss all your old cans, bottles and cardboard.
After that comes the most important step. Talk to your friends, your neighbors and your co-workers, and encourage them to take advantage of curbside recycling as well.
Even if you only convince one person, that could result in hundreds of pounds of material that stays out of the landfill and one step closer to a financially sound program.