Something unshakeable

Published 11:19 pm Friday, April 20, 2018

Hal Brady
Operates a Christian ministry in Decatur

Somewhere I read the statement that “All other kingdoms are shakable.” How true. The kingdom of oppression is shakable. It has to be held together by force. Moderate the force, and it goes to pieces. The kingdom of capitalism is shakable. Something out of the ordinary happens in our nation or world, and the stock market plunges. Everything is shakable, that is, except for one thing — the kingdom of God.

Not long ago I met with a group, and the focus of our time together was a book by Jim Collins called “How the Mighty Fall.” It was about how great companies die, decline and fall, and sometimes rise again. Shakable! 

The writer of Hebrews understands when he says, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken…(Hebrews 12:28).”

Jesus had one master thought in his life and ministry — the kingdom of God. Simply stated, the kingdom of God is whenever and wherever the will of God is a priority.

Since conditions in our nation and world are what they are, today I want to try to make a single point about that unshakable kingdom, known as the kingdom of God.

The work of the kingdom is healing. Can you honestly think of a greater need in our nation and world than healing? A divided planet continues with its divisions, mistrust, suspicions and threats, even to the point on national and international disruption and destruction.

Jesus said to his followers, “Go and heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons (Matthew 10:8a).” As you can see, the task of the disciples was not confined to words. They were to act. They were to involve themselves in the hurts of others and then bring about healing. 

Stating it succinctly, people of faith are to be healers in this society. The work of the kingdom is healing.

So how can we be authentic healers in this world today? The task is exactly the same as it has always been. In a world of injustice, we work for justice. In a world of violence, we work for sanity. In a world of divisions, we work for cohesion. In a world of prejudice, we work for acceptance. And in a world of mistrust and threats, we work for “shalom” peace.

A note about charity. Charity does not begin at home as some people mistakenly surmise. Charity begins everywhere and all at the same time-that is, if it is to be related to the kingdom of God. So when we are touched by God, we will also survive the charity test.

The work of the kingdom is healing — first, last and always.