Cade Farris entertains Thursday Lunch Club
Published 7:41 pm Thursday, June 28, 2018
The Thursday Lunch Club met June 14, in the Fellowship Hall of the LaGrange First United Methodist Church. There were 89 people in attendance.
The tables were decorated using carved wooden United Methodist Crosses and Flame Logo by the Hannah and Esther Women’s Circles of the LaGrange First UMC.
Joyce Morgan Young introduced the program featuring Cade Farris, senior pastor of First Baptist Church on the Square and Anthony Criswell.
Farris entertained the audience with his singing of Christian compositions and was accompanied on the piano by Anthony Criswell. Criswell also joined Farris in singing a few songs.
The next meeting of TLC will be Thursday Aug. 2 in the Fellowship Hall of the LaGrange First United Methodist Church.