Aug. 15 is City Hall Selfie Day in LaGrange
Published 4:41 pm Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Wednesday, Aug. 15 is City Hall Selfie Day. Whether you are a city employee or a resident, the City of LaGrange is encouraging you to snap a selfie at LaGrange City Hall, located at 200 Ridley Avenue, and post it on social media any time on Tuesday.
The city is also asking that you tag @lagrangegagov and use hashtags #CityHallSelfie, #ELGL, & #GaCities. This is the second year the group Engaging Local Government Leaders, or ELGL, is having a City Hall Selfie Day.
ELGL will be reviewing all of the tagged photos and awarding people for a variety of different categories from “most creative” to “most selfies taken by one person.” Here are the list of different categories:
Best #CityHallSelfie of the Day
Most Creative #CityHallSelfie
State With the Most #CityHallSelfies
Best Dressed #CityHallSelfie
Best Hat in a #CityHallSelfie
Best #CityHallSelfie Photography
Most People in the #CityHallSelfie
Best Use of #CityHallSelfie Props
#CityHallSelfie With the Most Famous Person
Funniest #CityHallSelfie
Most Historic #CityHallSelfie
Best #CityHallSelfie Lighting
Most Selfies Taken by One Person on #CityHallSelfie Day
#CityHallSelfie From the City With the Largest Population
#CityHallSelfie From the City With the Smallest Population
Best #CityHallSelfie by a Newspaper/TV Reporter
Best #CityHallSelfie by a Citizen
Best Promotion of #CityHallSelfie by a Government Entity
Best Promotion of #CityHallSelfie by a Non-Government Entity
Best #CityHallSelfie Day Wrap Up Video
Members Choice Award: #CityHallSelfie Excellence