LaGrange shows its generosity again
Published 5:12 pm Thursday, September 13, 2018
This community has a way of lifting people up when they’re having a bad time.
That’s never been more clear than the last few weeks, when donations, prayers and well wishes have poured in for four injured firefighters who were severely injured responding to a Labor Day structure fire.
Two firefighters — Pete Trujillo and Jordan Avera — have been released from Grady Hospital in Atlanta, but Jonathan Williamson continues to recover at Grady. Josh Williams, who sustained third degree burns, is expected to stay at the Augusta Burn Center for at least several more weeks.
A GoFundMe page has nearly raised all of its $25,000 goal, needing less than $2,000 to get there. Schoolchildren have written cards and letters to the injured men, thanking them for their service and telling them they’re in their thoughts. Businesses are holding special fundraiser nights to chip in, realizing every dollar raised will help the families pay their bills.
There have also been countless private donations, as well as donors that have given by going straight to city hall.
The donations keep coming too. In the last week, the families each received a $1,000 donation from the Ronnie Thames Foundation, and Grace Baptist Church donated baskets for each of the families. Other churches have undoubtedly pitched in as well.
The Troup County and LaGrange fire departments are also holding a special boot drive with donations going to the four injured firefighters and their families.
They’ll be taking up donations Friday and Saturday.
It takes a special person to be willing to run into a burning building for a stranger, but all four of these men were willing to do that. The fire department, like all first responders, has our back when we need them.
Now, it’s our turn, and it’s obvious people in Troup County are taking that seriously.
We’re not surprised by all the generosity. It’s just the way things are done in LaGrange. This is a growing small town — at least in amenities — but it’s still a small town at heart and people give when needed.