Bishop happy to keep cheering
Published 1:31 am Saturday, May 18, 2019
Daily News
Chloe Bishop was a part of some special moments during her time as a competitive cheerleader at Troup High.
The team won numerous championships, and it made it to the state finals for four straight years, finishing as high as fourth.
Now, Bishop will try to duplicate or even surpass that success on the collegiate level.
Bishop has signed a letter of intent to join the competitive cheerleading team at Young Harris College.
Bishop celebrated that decision during a ceremony last week in the Troup High media center.
“I am beyond proud,” said Amelia Key, Troup’s cheerleading coach. “She’s an amazing young lady, and she’s worked hard. This will add another dimension to her college life. I’m real excited for her.”
As successful as Bishop was as a cheerleader at Troup, she wasn’t sure if she was prepared to do it in college, but that feeling changed over time.
“I realized I was getting better, and I thought I could do this,” Bishop said. “I just tried out, and I made it.”
When Bishop was searching for a college home, she wanted to find a smaller school, and Young Harris fits that bill.
“I really wanted a smaller place,” Bishop said. “The ratio of teachers to students is really low. I’ll get to know the professors, and get the best education I can.”
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