Socialism remains a serious threat to U.S.
Published 6:00 pm Tuesday, May 28, 2019
By Jimmy Terrell
Former LaGrange resident and law enforcement officer
U.S. Senator Dr. Rand Paul, the 56-year old Senator from Kentucky, is worried about the future of America.
When he first jumped into American politics after graduating from Duke University with a degree in medicine, he never dreamed America would allow socialists to come into power.
But, earlier this month Paul admitted he is deeply concerned for the direction the left is taking us.
“The radical left … now that they have control of the U.S. House and full support of the media, (are) determined to push hard for a socialist agenda designed to totally transform this country … and not for the better.”
The Kentucky Senator, along with other conservatives, has expressed deep concerns about our future if the Socialists manage to gain control of Congress and/or the White House.
Earlier this month, he talked about the socialist agenda that includes, “… a $93 trillion, industry-killing “Green New-Deal”, free healthcare and college for all- funded by a punishing new 70 percent top tax rate, gas hikes and sweeping anti-gun legislation.
Paul warns that these items are just the top of the list and that we will see more and more “attacks daily on our freedom and liberty.”
The senator has been quick to criticize Republicans and Conservatives that aren’t moving to quell the socialist movement.
“All too often, many of my colleagues and even many leaders in the liberty movement decide not to fight back. Or worse, they decide to compromise.”
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is a leader of the Socialist pack. Bernie calls it democratic socialism. The fact is, it doesn’t matter which way you look at it, even standing on your head, socialism is socialism.
Sanders’ campaign support team is all about socialism as well. In April (2019), his political director, Analilia Mejia, who spent part of her childhood growing up under Venezuela’s dictator Hugo Chavez, was quoted in the Wall Street Journal saying, “ It was better to live on poverty-level wages in a shanty-town in Venezuela than on a garment workers salary in Elizabeth, NJ.”
Heather Gautney, a senior policy advisor for Sanders and sociology professor at Fordham University, defended redistribution of wealth and the nationalization of private industry, key components of a socialistic government.
She has also been critical of our country’s republic structure, the Electoral College, and has supported the “Occupy movement” saying, “some places, institutions, forms of property and rights should be collectively owned and enjoyed.”
Today, China is one of the few Communist countries to demonstrate a successful communist platform, simply because they have allowed limited entrepreneurs into the circle.
Lee Edwards, writing for Fox News, warns us that “radical socialists are waiting in the wings to promote extreme initiatives,” which will destroy our way of life.
Edwards says socialism will destroy the middle class and that it “depends not on the will of the people, but on the dictatorship of the Party to remain in power.”
We can see that today with the extremes promoted by the Democratic Party and their willingness to do anything to stay in control.
Edwards says socialism is “a pseudo-religion founded in pseudo science and enforced by political tyranny.”
It’s hard to understand why Sanders is drawing so much attention from the younger generations. They are the ones who will suffer most under the cloak of socialism.
U. S. Senator Rand Paul says we still have time to save our country from the Socialists, but we must act before it’s too late.
“The fact is,” Senator Paul says, “this is a fight for the very life and soul of our nation.”