Recognizing hard workers in county
Published 8:00 pm Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Tracy Lester, the dependency coordinator in the Troup County juvenile court, was recognized on Tuesday as the recipient of the county’s Strongest Link award for September.
In case you’ve forgotten, or haven’t heard of the award before, it goes to a county employee who has demonstrated excellent performance, productivity, loyalty and professional pride. The award was started in August with Amanda Veal, a clerk for the Troup County Probate Court, as the first recipient.
The county employs hundreds of people and very few of them get recognized publicly for all that they do. While the county commission, county manager and other leadership roles get the spotlight — and the criticism — it’s people like Veal and Lester that truly ensure the county continues running efficiently on an everyday basis.
We appreciate their work, and we applaud the county for starting this program. The honored employee gets gift cards, local products and a chance to be recognized by her bosses at the county.
It’s a small gesture, but we’re guessing it means a lot to the men and women honored.
It’s a reminder that their work doesn’t go unnoticed.