Vocalists, accompanist entertain at TLC
Published 5:37 pm Friday, November 8, 2019
The Thursday Lunch Club (TLC) met on Nov. 7 in the Fellowship Hall of the LaGrange First United Methodist Church, according to a press release from TLC
There were 129 guests.
The Lydia Circle decorated the tables with potted white mums in bloom and fall leaves.
After the meal, TLC Committee Chair Pat Gilbert introduced vocalists Rachael Krimm, Darian Krimm and pianist Andrew Perry. Rachael is a graphic designer and Darian is the minister of music and worship at First United Methodist Church.
Andrew Harry accompanied them on the piano. The three entertained the attendees with their amazing voices and instrumental by performing songs ranging from Gershwin to Disney tunes and contemporary Christian music.
The next meeting of TLC will be Thursday Dec. 5, 2019, in the Fellowship Hall of the LaGrange First United Methodist Church.