Party time for LHS baseball team

Published 4:16 pm Friday, December 20, 2019


Daily News

Continuing what has become a holiday-time tradition, LaGrange High’s baseball team hosted a dance party for special-needs students at the school.

The party was held at Mike Daniel Recreation Center on Wednesday, and the baseball players and special-needs students, danced, laughed, listened to music that could be heard throughout the facility, ate pizza, and just enjoyed each other’s company.

The party started under previous head coach David Smart, and Donnie Branch made sure to continue it when he took over the program before the 2018 season.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea,” Branch said. “It’s something now that we budget, our booster club. It’s a part of what we do.”

Senior baseball player Charles Crawford said “it’s awesome” to put on the party each year.

“We love every one of these kids,” Crawford added. “And we get a lot of joy from it. It’s just a lot of fun.”

The baseball players aren’t spectators at the party. They’re on the floor dancing, smiling and enjoying themselves.

“I’m not sure our guys don’t get more out of it,” Branch said. “I tell them to make sure they jump in there, and they do a great job.”

Crawford, who is a pitcher and third baseman for the Grangers, was grateful for the chance to spend some time with his classmates.

“Sometimes we don’t see them that much in school, so this gives us a chance to interact with them a lot more than we usua