New website will estimate how long your toilet paper supply will last during coronavirus outbreak
Published 9:17 am Sunday, March 22, 2020
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A new toilet paper website will estimate how long your supply will last during the coronavirus pandemic.
The website,, was created by London based student Software Developer Ben Sassoon and Artist Sam Harris after they had a discussion about how much toilet paper they each used on a day to day basis and how that would change during the pandemic. The website has been featured on major news outlets and has been used by more than 4 million people.
“We were upset at the stockpiling and hoarding of toilet paper round the world. To help reduce the shortages we created this site to inform people of how much they really need,” the website said in a press release. “So far, the average user has enough toilet paper to last 500 percent of their quarantine. We hope we will reduce this. We initially started as a bit of light-hearted humor, but it is clear we made a tool that can educate the masses.”
On the site, visitors can use the sliders to alter the amount of toilet rolls they have and the amount of times they go to the bathroom every day. There are also advanced settings, which alter wipes per trip, sheets per wipe, sheets on a roll and the length of the user’s quarantine.