Troup County to suspend recycling services starting Wednesday

Published 10:59 am Tuesday, April 14, 2020

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Troup County will suspend recycling services starting Wednesday, according to a news release from the county.

The county cites imminent concerns associated with available recycling vendor options and the current outbreak of COVID-19.

The news release said the suspension will be implemented at all convenience center sites and will include the termination of all recycling services, excluding the acceptance of corrugated cardboard.

“The county was required to make the difficult decision due in large part to the inability to locate a vendor within a reasonable radius that would accept recyclables,” the news release said.

Previously, Troup County convenience centers accepted paper, plastic and aluminum, which were hauled by the City of LaGrange. However, due to extensive labor efforts and staffing requirements, our recent vendor is no longer able to process the material, according to the county’s statement.

According to the news release, the county has also been unable to secure a vendor to accept plastic due to rising concerns with COVID-19. Therefore, the decision has been declared to suspend all recycling services at convenience centers until further notice.

The county’s sanitation department will continue to assess the situation and will evaluate additional options in the future.

LaGrange Mayor Jim Thornton said there is no change in the city’s curbside recycling program or at the city’s recycling center.

Thornton said the city will still pick up recycling once a week from all its residential customers. Then, that waste is transported to a vendor in Columbus and then sorted.

“That program will continue,” Thornton said.

At the recycling center, the items dropped off and sorted by the customer.