Letter to the Editor: President story should have overshadowed arrest coverage

Published 6:04 pm Thursday, April 30, 2020

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Dear Editor,

I wanted to express my view about your front page “PERSON OF INTEREST”  lead story in Wednesday’s edition, which is sensationalism and negative and does not reflect your mission of “publishing with the best interests of our community in mind.”

The lead story by far, which has a tremendous long-range impact on our community, is the selection of a new Lagrange College President.

I don’t object to the “Person of Interest” coverage, but the new president announcement should have overshadowed an arrest story by far, and even more so under present COVID-19 circumstances.

To me, the new LaGrange College president should have dominated the front page, not the arrest story. I think most of our community would agree and you would benefit by acknowledging this misjudgment.

Dean Thompson