GENDUSA COLUMN: Hearing the whispers that save us

Published 10:30 am Wednesday, October 5, 2022

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Like most of us, we become distracted by all the goings-on in our lives. Money, politics, work, and obligations pull us in different directions every moment of each day. We are exhausted by the constant barrage of bad news and meanness floating around us, intent on dragging us further into a downward, chaotic spiral. Where do we find shelter and relief?

First, we must believe in our higher selves that answer a calling deep within our souls. A faint inner voice tells us to live responsibly and search for the whisperer. 

We fight tooth and nail over politics and policies. Many judge folks by race, class or religion and cause harm because they do. Criminals and gangs emerge from discontent, poverty, greed, and sin, creating danger. Conspiracies rise to a fever pitch from our inability to see the truth, causing confusion and distrust. And all are used as an attempt to silence the whispers. 

As I walked yesterday, I noticed a tall oak tree’s branches swaying in the breeze. Its leaves gently rocking against a bright blue October sky created a peaceful, reflective moment. I immediately thought about those in Florida whose lives hang in the balance and peace seems unattainable. Under the same blue sky, they see nothing but devastation, chaos and despair.   

We all viewed Florida neighbors helping neighbors and leaders of different political parties leading as they should. Because in the end, it is not our anger that saves us from harm; it is our kindness. In times of great need and peril, evil is defeated with goodness because somewhere deep within our souls, we hear a voice. And immediately, we rise above our conflicts and prejudices.

Money will flow from our collective generosity to help rebuild Florida communities and restore hope. Prayers will light up heaven from countless compassionate hearts. For a while, during these dark days, we will concentrate on others who are less fortunate, and our complaining will subside for a moment. Our selfishness will abate, and our ire will be subdued because we rose to our higher selves until the distractions return. 

Evil is a powerful pull, and it resides in us all. Our earthly battle between the devil on one of our shoulders and the angel on the other will continue. It is the devil that distracts and divides us. Evil fuels anger and energizes our self-importance, influencing our bad decisions and fueling divisiveness.  But the worst malicious act is the noise it creates to deafen the faint voice of The Almighty, The Whisperer, The Redeemer and The Divine. 

Do we only hear and obey God when horrific events occur? Or do we only listen to his voice when death is at our door? His voice isn’t loud or boastful but soft and gentle. He doesn’t yell or demean; instead, he uses His whispers to try to save us from those who do. 

God is not for emergency use only. 

One of the most significant issues in our country today is our inability to hear God’s voice in our daily lives. His instructions for living a peaceful life are written page after page, not just to read but to employ. Through every word, he is urging us to give, not take. He tells us to love one another and not hate. He teaches us how to destroy evil with faith, love, and compassion and to put on his armor to shield us from the enemy.

We are begged to rise to our higher selves and become followers of his, not a hate-filled group touting anything else. And if we can’t hear and see God in the rhetoric we hear, in our own voices and actions, it is wrong, and we know it.  

Where do we find shelter and relief? It has always been in the arms of our creator. Our sanctuary is our faith when we are lost and afraid. Comfort and healing reside in the whispers within us if we only listen. When we instinctively rise to our awakened spirit to aid those in need, the raging tide in our souls begins to calm. 

Wars battle on, injustice will continue, Mother Nature will have her way, and evil will forever be among us. However, if we are still for a moment and hear the ever-present whispers of God, we will discover hope, relief and tranquility.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth gives way and mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” Psalms 46: 1-2