Latest Op-Ed


What if?

Dear Editor, we have a wonderful community that is already a model example on many levels. We have ...

Other Opinion

Flying during a pandemic

In the midst of the pandemic, I’m not sure anything has worried me more than getting on an ...


GENDUSA: Remembering my father’s way

My father is the best. He will not be with me on Father’s Day because he resides in ...


COLUMN: LaGrange mayor proposes changes to address racial inequality

We have all witnessed the troubling events of the past few weeks, including the murders of black men ...


TURES: Wisconsin law might provide justice for George Floyd in Minnesota

Imagine a story where a military officer loses his son dying in a struggle with police officers after ...


YARBROUGH: Is there no place these days for thoughtful discourse

My column last week on a radio commentary by the late Paul Harvey drew a lot of reader ...


BOWEN: Raccoon John Smith’s lesson from a log

Funny where the best lessons come from—a pandemic, perhaps, or maybe a good old-fashioned sit-down ‘talk’ with mama, ...


Superintendent Brian Shumate: Reflecting on the first year

After living in Troup County and leading the Troup County School System (TCSS) for the past 11 months, ...


SWINDLE: A witness to peace

At 8 p.m. on May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 46-year-old George Floyd is being accused by a ...


YARBROUGH: Prophetic words from a late and great commentator

I have long been an admirer of the words and works of the late Paul Harvey and his ...

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