Shots fired at motorist
Published 12:00 am Monday, September 21, 2015

A man reported that someone tried to shoot at him while he was driving westbound on Commerce Avenue about 2 a.m. today.
The driver told LaGrange police officers he was in his Ford Explorer when an unknown vehicle occupied by four males pulled up alongside him.
One of those men fired four shots at him. According to detectives, all four bullets hit the passenger side of the man’s SUV.
The man was not hurt in the incident, according to a press release.
The case was turned over to LaGrange Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Section, which was investigating.
Anyone with information was asked to call CIS at 706-883-2620, reach out to detectives through the department’s Facebook page at or text tips anonymously to 888-777.
Burglars cut into Home Depot safe
What an employee first thought was a possible electrical fire led to the discovery that someone stealthily broke into Home Depot off Lafayette Parkway and stole an undisclosed amount of money from the store’s safes.
LPD officers and the LaGrange Fire Department personnel responded to the store just after 7 a.m. Sunday. According to the report, firefighters then noticed the building had been breached by someone cutting a square hole in the bottom of a rear door. Firefighters said the electrical smell that the employee thought was from a fire was the odor of someone using a saw to cut through metal.
An LPD officer found someone had cut through another metal door into the room that held the businesses’ two metal safes. The report stated the safes had also been breached with a saw.
The case was turned over to LPD’s Criminal Investigations Section.
Police respond to store after man cuts wrists
Police were called to the Smile Mart convenience store at 426 S. Greenwood St. around 11:45 a.m. Saturday after a report of a man who had cut his wrists. LPD officers said the man had a pocket knife and said he was depressed over a relative’s recent death. The victim’s injuries were not severe, but he allowed AMR to transport him to West Georgia Medical Center for an evaluation, stated police.
Driver arrested for alleged DUI
An officer responding to a 911 call for gunshots possibly fired on Forrest Avenue early Saturday morning did not find the original complaint but discovered another situation that could have turned deadly.
The officer said while he drove down Forrest Avenue around 1:50 a.m. he saw a 2014 Dodge Charger pull off and turn off its headlights, then turn them back on. According to the officer, the driver of the car continued to do this as they turned down Williams Street and also failed to maintain its lane.
Once the car was pulled over, the officer stated he could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from the driver’s breath and noticed she was unsteady on her feet when he asked her to step outside the car. The officer said he also noticed two beer cans inside the vehicle that were cool to the touch; one was open, plus a plastic cup containing a mixed drink with some type of liquor in it.
The officer asked the driver to complete a series of field sobriety tests, which he said she failed.
The woman was arrested and taken to the Troup County Jail, where they conducted an exam to test her Blood Alcohol Content, which showed at 0.15 percent, according to the police report.
She was charged with two counts of DUI, two counts of open container, driving on a suspended license, no insurance, failure to maintain lane and a headlight violation.