Letter: We need to support Troup Transformation
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 5, 2015

Dear Editor,
This past Sunday at Sunday school I heard about Troup Transformation.
Our speaker, Wanda Walker, has had a dramatic vision of what this town is and what it will become! (In business, government, culture, education, media, and church). This woman of God believes that LaGrange is called to be dramatically transformed. She believes that it is already underway.
She has written a little book, “Strategies for Transforming Your City.” Read it! It gives specific strategies for making that transformation happen here in all areas of our lives.
I have seen Wanda in action in good organizations that are making a difference in LaGrange. She is a visionary but a real practical woman of God working to make that happen!
I believe in her vision. Yet she gives us practical strategies. One of those would be for Christian businessmen and women to give SERIOUS thought to paying each employee a living wage. Men and women of God, you do not need a law to do this. Just do it!
Edna M. Foster