Police say LaGrange man took pills from West Georgia Hospice
Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 2, 2016

A man allegedly came to West Georgia Hospice to grieve a family member Thursday, but stole narcotics.
A nurse at the facility told police that the man, later identified as John Calford Stutts, 22, of LaGrange, came to hospice and said his father passed away and he wanted to sit in the hospice center to reflect. After a few minutes, Stutts left abruptly, the nurse said. She then found that the door to the narcotics cabinet in the room had been ripped open and 31 Xanax tablets taken.
Another nurse tried to stop Stutts in the parking lot, she told police, but he left. She described the SUV he was driving and its license plate number to officers. The license number turned out to belong to a different model of vehicle, but registered to someone with the same last name.
Staff at the hospice looked up the address listed for Stutt’s father on Whitesville Road, where officers responded and found Stutts. He was arrested and charged with felony burglary.
Man hits mailbox, calls 911 on self for DUI
A man allegedly admitted to driving while drunk when he hit the mailbox of Second Baptist Church at 204 Fair St., then parked his car at the Summit service station at 302 Commerce Ave. to get more beer before walking to his home to call 911. When asked why he didn’t call earlier, he said he didn’t have a cell phone and didn’t think to call from the service station.
He was arrested and charged with striking a fixed object.
Bullet hits building
A nurse at Pathways Second Seasons at 124 Gordon Commercial Drive reported just after midnight Friday that what initially sounded like fireworks was apparently gunfire after a bullet came through the roof and struck the floor. About the same time, another officer was on Troup Street responding to the same call when he heard gunfire right outside his car.
He pulled into the driveway of the home where the gunshots came from and saw several people on the porch immediately go inside. The officer spoke with an occupant of the home, who admitted shooting the gun, but said she had not shot into the air. She said she was unaware firing a gun in the city was illegal.
The officer said he couldn’t determine if the gunfire was related to the bullet that struck the business.
Man accused of snatching cash during gun sale
A man reported being robbed after he met with someone to buy a gun.
The victim said he brought $400 to Callaway Stadium to meet the seller and pay for the gun, which the man had posted as being for sale on Facebook. The seller instead grabbed the cash and ran.
The buyer called 911, got in his car and followed the alleged robber, who eventually gave him the gun. The buyer still followed the man to his home in the 1000 block of Park Place, where he met with the responding officer.
Officers took the accused robber to the LaGrange Police Department for an interview, according to a report, but no further information was available Friday about any arrest or charges in the case.