Letter: Support executive gun order
Published 12:00 am Monday, January 11, 2016
What heartache I felt as the president spoke of the deaths of our children at places that were supposed to be safe.
He wants gun purchasers to be registered at all places where they are sold. This is a small step to see that those who have mental problems or have a criminal background do not get a gun.
According to the NRA, he plans to take all guns away. This is not true! The second amendment protects the right to bear arms.
This is a very small step to see that law enforcement can better do their job, knowing to whom these guns belong. It’s time to let our humanity speak.
Let us be in support of this executive order which at least takes a small step to protect our little ones. In this executive order he also asks for funding for mental health. It all seems right and positive to me and I am in support of it.
Would those who oppose it just remember those kids Let’s do anything we can do to stop the killing
Edna Foster