Man arrested after hit and run
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 28, 2016

The driver accused of smashing into the back of a truck at the intersection of Colquitt and Ogletree streets about 8:15 p.m. Sunday before fleeing on foot turned himself in a couple of hours later.
According to officers, the victim was driving south on Ogletree Street in a red Chevrolet Silverado truck and stopped at the four-way intersection. When he proceeded through the intersection, an eastbound silver Toyota Corrolla, driven by the suspect, ran the stop sign and hit the right rear panel, spinning the vehicle completely around.
The victim told police the driver and a passenger got out of the Toyota and ran east on Colquitt Street. A short time later, officers were notified the person who rented the Corrolla reported the car stolen.
After speaking with investigators, the renter told them who was actually driving the car and that the driver told her to report it stolen.
The suspect then spoke with investigators and turned himself in about 10 p.m.
He was arrested and charged with leaving the scene of the accident, stop sign violation and driving while suspended, all misdemeanors.
A manager at the McDonald’s at 1797 Vernon Road told police Sunday surveillance footage shows one of her employees take $100 while changing out the cash drawer. The employee denied taking any money, and police were investigating.