Letter: Hunt will give teachers a voice
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Dear editor,
I appreciated the “support for Cathy Hunt” letter written by Steve Cole in last week’s LDN. I agree with Mr. Cole on every point, and could not have stated it more perfectly!
As is true in so many areas of our lives as Americans, we have reached what appears to be a tipping point here in our Troup County School System. It is imperative that we give our teachers a voice in the decisions being made that affect students, families and futures.
Cathy Sargent Hunt has that voice. She has a passion for the education of students, the respect of teachers and returning the Troup County School System to a position of excellence, from which we have sadly fallen.
If you are currently homeschooling your children, or have them enrolled in private schools, the outcome of this election will affect you also. Your lives, and the lives of your children are intertwined with all residents of Troup County, and our goal must be to educate ALL to be literate, productive citizens.
If you live in District 5, please go to the polls on Tuesday, July 26, and register a vote which will make a positive difference — vote Cathy Sargent Hunt for Troup County School Board!
Becky Grubbs