Letter: Hunt’s voice needed on school board
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 19, 2016
It is an honor to write this letter of endorsement for my friend and former colleague Cathy Sargent Hunt, candidate for the District 5 seat on the Troup County Board of Education. After a 29-year teaching career in the Troup County School System, Cathy is still devoted to the education of our young people and is ready, willing and able to give her time and energy to the Troup County school board.
Cathy has pledged to regularly visit our schools, talk with students and staff, and listen to the concerns of our community. As a former teacher, she is empathetic to the challenges facing teachers and will be able to examine issues as someone who has been on the front line. Her insight from the classroom will be invaluable to our school board and school system as decisions are made in support of students and staff.
As the parent of two young women who attended Troup County schools from kindergarten through 12th grade and then earned college degrees with honors, Cathy is in a position to champion public education and the benefits of the fine arts as part of each child’s education.
In addition to her work as an AP and honors English teacher and drama teacher, Cathy served as the English Department chair for over 20 years, faithfully executing her duties and effectively working as a liaison between administration and teachers. She has the experience, the organizational and speaking skills, the drive and the passion to make a dynamic member of our Board of Education.
Cathy Sargent Hunt is the new voice our school board needs. I encourage those of you in District 5 to please take the time to vote for this lifelong educator in the upcoming runoff on July 26.
Carol Cain