Bradley Scholarship winners announced
Published 5:06 pm Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Sally Elder, daughter of Christy and Jared Elder, was recently awarded the Bradley Scholarship of $4,000 for 2019.
Applicants must be a senior at LaGrange High School and have a GPA of at least 3.5. The student must also write a one-page essay of “Why is I important that I attend college.”
Honors and activities that the student is involved in are also strongly considered when awarding the scholarship.
Elder wrote about a mission trip to Gressier, Haiti where she discovered that she wanted to be a nurse there, and she could only accomplish that with a college degree.
Throughout her four years at LaGrange High School, she did more than 45 hours of community service each year. She was voted into the Senior Spotlight, which is an honor voted on by the faculty of LaGrange High School and given annually to the top 12 students in the senior class based on academics, character and community involvement.
Elder went to Gressier, Haiti, four times and is the sponsor for a girl named Somara, which helps pay for her education, clothing and food. She will be attending Auburn University after graduation.
Kaylee Ann Key, daughter of Jelly and Gina Key, was chosen to be the alternate winning a scholarship of $1,000. She will be attending the University of Georgia. After college, she plans on returning to LaGrange and working in fashion merchandising. While at LaGrange High School, she has participated with Lafayette Society for Performing Arts and New Horizon Community Theatre. She also plays the guitar, piano, ukulele and handbells.
This scholarship is given annually at LaGrange High School in recognition of the education that Sally Sue Bradley (class of 1962), Patricia Hennessy Hopkins (class of 1941) and Sara Harris (class of 1918) received.