Our Commentary

OUR VIEW: Remember the reason for three-day weekend

In the midst of the coronavirus, we’ve all felt pretty cooped on in our homes or work environments.


OUR VIEW: Owning a firearm is a responsibility

Owning a firearm is definitely a responsibility that should be taken seriously at all times. That responsibility is ...


OUR VIEW: Grant could be ‘game-changer’

Recently, the city of LaGrange received a $2 million grant from the Georgia Department of Affairs to revitalize ...


OUR VIEW: Save a life, give blood or plasma

Recovering COVID-19 patients can donate their plasma to help those currently fighting and suffering from the virus.  LifeSouth ...


Video conferencing has proven to be key

V ideo conferencing services such as Zoom have quickly become household names due to the COVID-19 crisis. These ...


OUR VIEW: Thank you participating in school board forum

As many of you saw, the LaGrange-Troup County Chamber of Commerce held its virtual candidate forum for local ...


OUR VIEW: TCSS put in a tough spot

For seniors in high school, May is usually a pretty special time of the year.


OUR VIEW: Community coming together for good

The LaGrange Feeding the Valley Food Bank is dedicated to making sure Troup County residents do not go ...

Our Commentary

OUR VIEW: New leaders already excelling in roles

At the beginning of April, Connie Hensler and Kathy Tilley took over their new positions with the chamber ...


OUR VIEW: Looking for your help

We’re working on a local project, but we could really use some help from the community.

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