City of LaGrange to hold public meeting on Unified Development Ordinance
Published 8:00 pm Friday, February 22, 2019
- articipants in the November 2018 meeting share some of there thoughts about zoning on posters. (Contributed)
The City of LaGrange plans to hold its second public meeting to discuss the city’s zoning and development in the city on March 4 at 5:30 p.m. at the LaGrange-Troup County Chamber of Commerce
At this meeting the consultant team will present a summary of the community input received to-date. Representatives will also present an overview of the key recommendations for the proposed new Unified Development Ordinance.
Concepts discussed will include recommendations for new zoning districts and new development regulations as part of the new code.
The City of LaGrange is in the process of updating city regulations pertaining to development and zoning. Each community forum is a chance to talk to city staff and the consultant team to learn more about this process and for the community to give ideas for how the city development and zoning codes could be improved.
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